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Read carefully the explanations below:

(for Form link scroll down / lien Formulaire en bas de la page )


4 Seasons Milonga is an event with a limited number of participants*, the preliminary registration is compulsory.

*We have a limited number of participants calculated with a combination of mathematical physical and quantic formulas that were empirically and scientifically improved during 10 years and 26 editions. We watch for the almost perfect parity, with a light imbalance due to human factors. This number aims towards 130 participants.


There are two entities organizing this event : our hosts the « Mas du Figuier » and the Milonga Team. You will have to pay separately for the Milonga (payement at the desk, the first night of your participation), and for accomodation and meals from the Mas du Figuier (payement in advance by cheque or bank transfer, cheques will not be cashed until after the event).



The registration has 2 steps :


1.The registration for the event through the on-line form:

The registrations are individual (1 form for each person, register the women first). You can write us the name of your partner for information, but it doesn’t mean you will be accepted as a couple.

Be fast, the available spots for women are taken in 3 minutes, and for men in approximately 30 minutes.



Our form accepts automatically the participants in the order of their registration.


ATTENTION: Due to the new sending e-mails limitations you will not receive anymore a confirmation e-mail. Please be careful at the message displayed after submitting your registration (and eventually make a screen copy). It reminds the data send, specifying especially if you are IN or on the waiting list.
The number of remaining places showed in the form is the one valid when loading the form. It can decrease very fast while you fill the form, please be fast...


In order to complete the form you have to choose the package for the Milonga and choose your preferences of accommodation.




2. The choice of accommodation and meals, and the payment for the Mas:

According to the preference of accommodation which you will have expressed on the form, we are going to propose you in the days / weeks which follow, the accommodations available (check out Accommodation for details and prices). You will have to reserve by paying (bank check or bank transfer).



We will write to the participants in the order of their registration, thus it can take more or less time until you will receive the e-mail. The first subscribers will have the biggest choice, be fast.





For the Milonga you have the choice between 3 packages :



1 day package (1 night + 1 afternoon milonga)




* Discount 5 euros for students and unemployed

**This prices include the SACEM author tax



2 days package (2 nights + 2 afternoon milongas)




* Discount 5 euros for students and unemployed

**This prices include the SACEM author tax



3 days package (3 nights + 3 afternoon milongas)




* Discount 5 euros for students and unemployed

**This prices include the SACEM author tax

© 2015 MiG. Created - late at night - using

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