16h Hi ! You’re already here ?
20h // Dinner
22h Milonga start dancing ...
22h30// Dinner (2nd shift)
23h Good evening...would you like to... dance?
0h dance....dance...... daaaaance...
1h dance....dance... dance.... and dance more
2h dance...dance... and dance harder
3h dance....dance... dance...
4h dance.... dan...ce.
5h // Last Tanda
9h // Breakfast
10h oh... mmmm...
11h -Hello! How are you? ...Did you sleep well?
12h // Breakfast end (and rush)
-Who’s going to the market in sisteron ? Me ! I’ve got one seat left !
13h // Non-tango workshop
14h ...... :) :)
14h30 // Afternoon milonga
15h dance....dance... dance...
16h eat....dance... rest..
17h dance....dance... dance... dance,
18h dance even more....dream...
19h dance... more... faster.... dance... dance...
19h30 // End afternoon milonga
20h // Dinner
22h Milonga start dancing...
23h Wanna dance?
0h dance....dance...... daaaaance...
1h dance....dance... dance.... dance more
2h dance....dansce... dance harder
3h dance....laugh and dance...
4h dance.... daaaaan...ceee!
5h // Last Tanda
6h dance... dance... we want to stay...
7h dance …. dance … and we don’t wanna leave !
8h just some more dances to welcome the rising sun…
9h // Breakfast
10h oh... mmmm...
11h -Hi ! How are you ? ...What a looovely day !
12h // Breakfast end (and rush)
...any jam left?
13h // Non-tango workshop
14h Rock climbing... who wants to try ?
14h30 // Afternoon milonga
15h dance....dance... dance...
16h eat....dance... rest..
17h dance....dance... dance... dance,
18h dance even more....dream...
19h dance... more... faster.... dance... dance...
19h15 // End afternoon milonga
more! more! more !
19h30 // Apéro!!!
20h30 // Dinner
22h Milonga start dancing ...
23h dance ........ dance,
0h dance....dance...... daaaaance...
1h dance....dance... dance.... dance more
2h dance....dance... dance harder
3h dance....dance..... give yourself away....
4h dance.... dance.
5h dance... more... more.. a few more steps...
6h // Last Tanda
6h15 // Coffee and Croissants offered by the Milonga
7h -last steps...
8h what about leaving a comment in the guestbook before going to bed ?
9h // Breakfast
10h -Hi ! Till what time did you stay ?
11h -Anyone driving to Aix ? -I’m looking for a ride to Lyon !
12h // Breakfast end (and rush)
12h // Bal après-midi
13h dance
14h dance a lot
15h dance as if it were your last dance
16h // Last Tanda (noooooo!!!!!!)
17h Bye ! ... and I let a playlist !
19h Who’s staying at the Mas tonight ?